PRODCOM List 2003 - Описание  

Информация о Перечне Продукции Европейского Сообщества - ПРОДКОМ 2003(List of PRODucts of the European COMmunity - PRODCOM List 2003).

Данные о документе PRODCOM List 2003, опубликованные на сервере - RAMON, Eurostat's Classifications Server

Full title: PRODCOM list (List of PRODucts of the European COMmunity), 2003 version
Abbreviation: PRODCOM List 2003
Originating authority: Commission of the European Communities (Statistical Office/Eurostat)
Legal basis: Council of the European Communities, Regulation (EEC) No 3924/91 of 19 December 1991 on the establishment of a Community survey of industrial production (Prodcom) (Official Journal of the European Communities No L 374 of 31.12.1991);
European Commission, Regulation (EC) No 347/2003 of 30 December 2002 establishing for 2003 the "Prodcom list" of industrial products provided for by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3924/91 (Official Journal of the European Communities No L 57 of 3.3.2003).
Implementation date: The PRODCOM list is an annually revised classification whose implementation date is always the first of January.
Limit of operational life: The PRODCOM list is an annually revised classification whose limit of operational life is always 31 December.
Amendment date(s): Revised annually
Succint description: The headings of the PRODCOM list are derived from the Harmonized System (HS) or the Combined Nomenclature (CN), which thus enables comparisons to be made between production statistics and foreign trade statistics. PRODCOM headings are coded using an eight-digit numerical code, the first six digits of which are, in general, identical to those of the CPA code. The PRODCOM list is therefore linked to, and consistent with, the central product classification.
Linked classification(s): 1) Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE Rev.1) : agreement at four-digit level;
2) Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community (CPA) : agreement at six-digit level;
3) National versions of PRODCOM;
4) Combined Nomenclature (CN).
Usage: Products
Main statistical applications: Production statistics (only for Mining and Quarrying, Manufacturing, and Electricity, Gas and Water Supply - Sections C, D and E of NACE Rev.1).
Media through which available: Hardcopy and electronic copy: from the undermentioned responsible agency;
RAMON: Eurostat's metadata server.
Language(s): Danish; Dutch; English; Finnish; French; German; Greek; Italian; Norwegian; Portuguese; Spanish; Swedish.
Address of responsible agency: Statistical Office of the European Communities
Mrs Aura LEULESCU (Unit G5)
Tel.: + 352 4301 32012

тел.   8-926-248-04-83   
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